All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by the law.Thank you for your support!
Donation by check payable to:
Joshua Tree Foundation for Arts & Ecology
Send to Harrison House, PO box 416 Joshua Tree, CA 92252.
Click here to download and print a donor form to mail in.
Your partnership is important to the continuation of our program.
“Keep it Going!” ~LH
Harrison Heroes
California Arts Council
Inland Empire Community Foundation
SHS Foundation
Thendara Foundation
Lynda Martin
Sukey Lilienthal & David Roe
Skyscrape Foundation
Terry Riley
Arkay Foundation
Mark Morris
Schwab Charitable
The San Francisco Foundation
Mark Bulwinkle
Jamie Cohen
Damien Gossett
Aaron Gross
Tatiana M Guerrero
Katharine Riker
Margaret Fisher,
In memory of Bob Hughes
William & Kathy North
Deborah O’Grady
Michael O’Quin
Abby Sher
Laraine Turk
Blake Baxter & Cat Celebrezze
Patricia Deuter
Steven Gorn
Cheryl Lew
Jan & Phill Millsapps
Alison Morgan & Parke Skelton
Michael & Carol O’Quin
Movses Pogossian
Mark Saltzman
Thomas Sullivan
Ellen Abramson
William Alves
Don Baker
Marilyn Bancel & Rik Myslewski
Tandy Beal & Jonathan Scoville
Melanie Beene
Simone Boudriot
Joseph Burke
Gary & Kirsten Cook
Tom Ellison & Larry Friedman
Monica Emery
Pat Flanagan
Jacob Forman
David & Tahne Harris
Mark Jolliff
Erin Kessell
David Kessler & Nancy Mennel
Casey Kiernan
Terry King
Nancy Klein
Louise Ledeen
Jardine & Neil Libaire
Sheri Linden
Martha Mackey
Carolyn Mason
Linda Mery
Kristen Mery
Evangeline Montville
Norman Moore
Barry Phillips
Lon Risley
Ralph Samuelson
Edward & Tomoko Schocker
Danielle Segura
Margaret Siegmann
Gerald Smith
Harvey Smith
Gary Smith & David Ligare
Kristin Stevens & Lee Adler
Natalia Torres
Deven Watson
Sara Wilson
Renee Ziegler